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Contec ProChlor 5L Capped

Contec ProChlor 5L Capped

Contec ProChlor is a revolutionary new sporicide achieving a 100% kill against spores in under 1 min.A blend of hypochlorous acid in purified water, Contec ProChlor is provided ready-to-use and is efficacious against bacteria, fungi, moulds, yeasts, viruses and spores. Contec ProChlor is 0.2 micron filtered, and filled in a Grade A environment. The sterile product is filled into pre-irradiated components.


Provided double bagged, the product is designed for ease of entry into pharmaceutical cleanrooms. Supplied as either trigger sprays for small areas or 1L and 5L capped containers for when larger volumes are required.

• 0.2 micron filtered under Grade A air in a Grade B cleanroom

• Double bagged in polyethylReady-to-use with 2 year shelf lifeene linear tear bags

• Trigger spray with jet or spray option

• Relevant certificates of analysis and sterility provided with every batch.

• Full supporting documentation information is available on request

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