Contamination control is the major concern when it comes to cleanroom enviroment. This is where the importance of controlled environment cleaning and maintenance comes into play. Our cutting edge, innovative cleaning solutions such as cleanroom mops, wipes and disinfectants are used in various industries and critical environments across the globe.
These cleaning solutions are used to clean several critical environments like compounding pharmacies, hospitals etc.
Cleanroom wipes are classified on the basis of :
Sterility : Sterile Non Sterile
Low Endotoxin
Wipes Type : Presaturated/ Dry
Wipes Structure/ Construction
The cleanroom mopping systems constitute of complete line of mopping products, including wall and ceiling mops, for critical and cleanroom environments. These system help in cleaning , ceilings, floors, insides of bio safety cabinets etc.From IPA to sporicidal disinfectants to neutral disinfectants we offer wide variety of chemicals for the cleaning and disinfection of critical and sterile environments.
All these are designed with end users in mind, promote more efficient processes , for more details , write to us at